Visiting a Prison: Rules and Tips
1. Always bring an ID
2. No purses, bags or phones allowed inside. We usually lock them up in someone’s car. Otherwise, we can check them in at the guard house.
3. Dress modestly - we are essentially holding a church service, so avoid tight or revealing clothing (especially for ladies visiting Nairobi West). Men, please do not wear hats inside.
4. Come on time - If you are running late, please inform us on the WhatsApp group. We will likely go ahead with our service if you are very late, and someone from the guard house can bring you in when you arrive. For the van going to Kamae, it cannot wait for you, so please arrive at the meeting place on time!
5. Respect - Do not ask an inmate why they are there. If they choose to do so, they will share their story with you voluntarily. We are there to listen, encourage, love and pray with them.
6. Flexibility - Delays are common, sometimes due to late arrivals by visitors, and sometimes to due to late arrival by prison chaplains/staff. We try to stick to the time slots, but be aware that you may need to be flexible at times.
7. Communication - If there are any changes to days/dates, you will be informed via the WhatsApp group. There is a WhatsApp group for each prison, so you can ask to join as many as you like here.
8. Transportation - LVC provides a van to and from Kamae. For Lang’ata and Nairobi West, LVC will start to cover transport for individuals who request it. We want to make it easy for you to come.
9. This is not tourism – please come after prayerful consideration, and not simply to observe and leave. We want you and the inmates to be blessed through engagement and participation.