

With any of our Missions initiatives we seek to be holistic and to partner with those who share our values. We don’t believe we have to choose between evangelism and social action, gospel proclamation and seeking after justice. The two can and must go hand-in-hand, and are best embodied in real people who seek to live out and model a holistic gospel in their work and relationships. For the sake of strategic clarity we approach missions on a local and global level.



Our Global Mission will generally take on a more ‘evangelistic’ focus, but imagine an LVC-launched or LVC-partnerered Kenyan missionary who is working on a Bible translation project to an unreached community. Our desire is that they would also be attuned to the community needs around them and seek to empower the community as they address issues of justice and development, even as they work on more ‘traditional’ gospel work like Bible translation and church planting. Below are three key areas in which LVC seeks to partner:

In 2019 LVC launched a partnership with Bible Translation & Literacy (BTL) in Kenya, a fully Kenyan-led missions organization. Our partnership will engage at least the three areas above with an unnamed people group.